
daisy chan中文是什么意思

  • 陈弘毅



  • 例句与用法
  • From left - scott yuan wu phd student in electrical engineering , daisy chan wing sze and ivan yau ka wai integrated bba students
  • From left prof . kevin au associate director , center for entrepreneurship ; scott yuan wu phd student in electrical engineering ; ivan yau ka wai and daisy chan wing sze integrated bba students ; prof . chua bee - leng director , center for entrepreneurship , prof . hugh thomas associate director , center for entrepreneurship , prof . wong kam - fai director , center for innovation and technology
  • The champion , apex biosystem ltd is a team of two undergraduate business students , daisy chan wing sze and ivan yau ka wai , and a phd student in electrical engineering , scott yuan wu . they won hk 5 , 000 and the opportunity to compete with 34 teams from top universities around the world at the moot corp competition to be held at the university of texas at austin in the united states from may 2nd to 5th 2007
    冠军由两名工商管理学士综合课程学生陈咏诗和丘家威,以及电子工程学博士生袁武组成的apex biosystem ltd . ( apex )夺得,他们除可获得现金奖五千元之外,亦将代表中大于本年五月前往美国德州大学奥斯汀分校参加moot corp创业计划比赛,与其馀三十四队来自全球顶尖大学的队伍较量。
  • 推荐英语阅读
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